About the space

Merely 60 min from Mumbai and 120 Min from Pune you will find a tranquil abode to rest and rejuvenate. Nestled in mountain ranges near the township of Karjat, get yourself a new favorite place.

Saveda Cottages is an idyllic and best luxury resorts in karjat, where you can join the native birds and sleep to the sound of the river. It is a best pick for family stay in karjat, who would like to relax and stop. No malls, traffic jams, meetings, or deadlines to be found.

A place to go when you do not want to be found.
The idea was not a stereotyped getaway luxury resort but a place where sustainability is practiced, serenity is celebrated, homeliness is enjoyed and a day well spent with nature. The location does have its uniqueness from its conventional counterparts. Karjat being enriched in natural greenery is well equipped for this adobe where lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and hills surround.

Through the mud road from the highway and the lush green on either side, one reaches the large welcoming red stone gazebo connected to an open portico cafeteria. Saveda starts there.

Saveda is a small family-fun adobe that started with only two brick cottages canopied by a village-style tiled roof back in 2021. Since then, we have been blessed to meet many like-minded people that fuelled our passion to create more unique cottages and create unforgettable memories.

We are spread over 3.5 acres of land touched to the River Pej with a mini-jungle within. We are at a tail-end location of the stretch of land from the main road leaving out a beautiful, quiet, and less trespassed forest area around us.
We have a dedicated and passionate team from the locale that loves sharing local life, traditions, and culture with our guests. We are your jungle home, away from home.

Our constructs
Our constructs are naturally built with the traditional architecture of red stones, geru, bricks, and minimum cement. This aerates us naturally to a great extent. We have clean washrooms attached, a meditation space with positive vigor, and beautiful lush natural green umbrellas all over.
Our therapy rooms are built so cozy and absorbing. We lend you the utmost care here with the touch of experienced hands and herb-infused oil blends. Truly rejuvenating! We are occupied with traditional treatment facilities. We have a temple also made completely in red stone, with idols of Ganapathy and Dhanwanthary

We Value you

Our core values are built around contributing to local communities, promoting eco and sustainable development in regions which we locate, extending a personalized touch of experience to each one who visits us, and simply making more and more memories.
Simple . Responsible .Passion. Eco. Coexist
As we grew from a little family project, we will always aim to remain this family feel, when you visit. We treasure and protect people who visit and treat them as valued guests – part of the family.

Explore. Wander. Disapper.


Just Relax
0 1
Years of
new guests every
farm fresh


Behind the doors of our Kitchen

In indigenous Indian cuisine, a downpour of masalas was never a requirement to reach a foodgasm. It was there in the minimal spices from the backyard, hand-pounded secret home recipes, and fresh, regional, and nutritious veggies. Of course, served with a tempering of love and prayer. The excellence and pride of south Indian rasoi is a heart full and leafful Sadya. 


Who can resist the unmistakable aroma of curry leaves lolling around in ground coconut and warm coconut oil within a mix of the choicest vegetables? That is what is all about Sadya, the delicious delicacy that comes on the tongue of a banana leaf!

The sadya broadly covers all the flavor profiles – sweet, salty, sour, and spicy through various textures and temperatures and uses a lot of regional vegetables as ingredients; thick coconut, Jaggery, yams, other veggies, and a wide variety of lentils.

Every Saturday we serve this delicacy for lunch at our place.
Our lip-smacking breakfast delicacies and village-style vegetarian buffets are also equally loved by our bygone people. We serve pure village-style vegetarian buffet meals for other meal times. Our all preparations are with produces maximum sourced from our farm. The delicacies from our place would be there in your buds even after you bid us bye, we are pretty sure
If you have a wish to relish any special food while here, ahead of time kindly let us know to get it for extra pay.

Want to know more about Sadya?

Traditionally, Sadya is served on a plantain leaf, with its tongue towards the left. It consists of par boiled red rice, side dishes, savories, pickles, and desserts, all served at different times of the meal.
The first served item after the rice is Parippu, which is a liquid curry made from small grams and ghee. It is followed by the Saveda special, a south Indian household favorite, Sambar. A simple curry made from any assortment of vegetables available. They are then boiled in gravy of crushed lentils, onions, chilies, coriander, and turmeric with a pinch of asafoetida.
Side dishes are equally important. Avial, a combination of vegetables, coconut paste, and green chilies, is extremely famous. Fresh coconut oil and raw curry leaves are immediately added after the dish is prepared to add to the flavor of the dish.
Thoran is another important side dish. It usually contains minced string beans, cabbage, or grams, mixed with grated coconut along with a dash of red chilies and turmeric powder.
Olan is a dish that consists mainly of pumpkin and red grams cooked in thick gravy of coconut milk.
Kaalan, seasoned buttermilk with turmeric powder and green chilies along with sour buttermilk with salt and chopped green chilies are served to relish another spoon of rice to quench the heart and stomach together

Major savories of a Sadya include Upper (deep fried banana chips), Pappadams (fried wafer of black gram flour), Ginger Pickle, and Kichadi (sliced cucumber/ladyfinger in curd, seasoned with mustard, red chilies, and curry leaves in coconut oil). They are served along with mango and lime pickle.

Payasam, Kerala’s beloved dessert, is served next. A payasam is a pudding of sweet brown molasses or milk, coconut milk, and spices, garnished with cashew nuts and raisins. A ripe yellow plantain, Pazham, and a crush of papadam is the best companion to go with it.

Last but not least, along with traditionally made Rasam some more rice is a must!
Rasam is a mixture of chili and pepper powder boiled in diluted tamarind juice-based mixture seasoned with chili, ginger, and peppercorns. These are supposed to help with digestion as well. The meal is wound up by folding the plantain leaf in half.

Sadya is a feast of flavours and enriches your palate in many ways. It is something to be experienced at least once during one’s life span.
This traditional vegetarian feast of Kerala is among the favorite delicacies of all who visit our shores. When a guest comes home, on the belief of Atithi Devo bhava, we serve this banquet of love.


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